OUTSIDER: 10 Plants for May, What to sow and grow, Garden update
At the back of Wild about Weeds there’s a list of additional ‘weeds’ to consider and in that list is one of my favourite shrubs, if not my very favourite: Cytisus scoparius, the wild common broom. I love its whip stems that range from vertical spikes to fountains that sway in the breeze. It looks both wild and contemporary and captures my style of design possibly better than any other plant.
Brooms just say ‘wild’ when you see them (not literally). They flower a bright yellow in spring with the scent of warming spice.
In our new garden I have planted broom into every area. From the species in the wilder area to a number of colourful hybrids. I love them so much I plan to take cuttings from them all this summer to grow as many as possible. These days, I try to include broom in almost every design.
Cytisus prefer acidic soils in direct sunlight, they thrive in poor conditions with no need for nutrient rich soil and are very hardy. They’re pretty content among thick competition. In the wi…