Spring is here and I’m surrounded by yellow! After picking some daffodils to plonk in a vase, their rich scent strong inside, I had to take one stem back out with a sleepy early bumblebee on it, Bombus pratorum, its fuzz bum covered in pale yellow pollen. It strikes me what a difference I’ve made adding just a few special pale yellow spring flowers to the garden this year.
Narcissus bublcodium ‘Arctic Bells’ and Stachyurus chinensis ‘Celine’ - one of my favourite shrubs - join the existing Primula vulgaris. We have two types of pussy willow too, their fluffy flowers are pale yellow and I’m guessing this is partly where I drew this colour from, to add at this time of year. If the end of winter was white with snowdrops, the start of spring is alive with mellow yellows.