I talk about serendipity in gardening and nature a lot because serendipity - finding something good without looking for it - is one of those mysterious things that makes life a worthwhile ride.
I'm addicted to the feelings generated by serendipity and that's perhaps why I create gardens that allow nature to do what it wants, to increase the chance of nature surprising me.
This week I was looking at the herb bed where I've planted a few herbs among weeds and existing flowers. I noticed the tiny daisies of the chamomile I'd grown from seed looked particularly beautiful mirrored by the existing larger ox-eye daisies and white Achillea. Dill and Fennel adding to the airiness and glow of the scene.
It's good to get stuck into a new garden, even if you aren't sure what you want to do yet. It's like dealing with writers block, the best cure is to start writing, anything. These playful unpressured experiments often challenge our preconceptions and jump-start creative thinking.
I wouldn't have…