When thinking about plants for our new garden my head seems to have compartmentalised them into a number of categories. At the top of the category list are: daisies; tall towery things like foxgloves; and horizontal things like wild carrot and sedum.
I guess this is how I think about all planting designs, creating a mix of shapes alongside colours, but it's more noticeable in this garden as I'm creating lists of various plants to trial, narrowing them down to my absolute favourites.
On my London allotment I'd started an Aster trial, which I suppose I should broaden out to 'daisy trial', because I also grew various rudbeckias, single flowered dahlias, echinacea, annuals like cosmos and various Helenium. Though the Helenium did not like the dry sandy soil of my old allotment, perhaps they'll fair better in soggy Yorkshire.
My interest in daisies is only recent, up until a couple of years or so ago I was only really interested in Echinacea 'Fatal Attraction', a vibrant fuchsia petalled f…