Ugh - sorry about ground elder. We discovered the same in one ield (approx 1/4 acre) In the process of addressing it we've noticed 3 things
1) For large established planting we have to tarp it for 12-18 months
2) For small patches we repeatedly dig out the roots and it will eventually go away (takes about 1-2 years?)
3) Some we just can't access and have to leave (along fence lines etc)
Sadly, we have woodland edges where it's choking out natives. Still figuring out how to handle that. Good luck with your patch. am sure you'll get there in the end.
Thanks Cate, I'm currently trying to dig it out in our patch though I may resort to tarping as you have, it's good to know that works! Our challenge is the hedge and stone wall next to each other which is runs under. I don't think I can ever truly get this out so I'm hoping to reduce it back to there and then contain it in that spot with a path around it I can monitor for shoots.
yeah - we have it in some spots we can't reach too. so in those cases, we put a "permanent" piece of 3' landscape fabric down as a barrier else the spread recurrs. hate using geotech but also know there's an eco cost to letting ground elder spread. trade-offs are tough...
Ugh - sorry about ground elder. We discovered the same in one ield (approx 1/4 acre) In the process of addressing it we've noticed 3 things
1) For large established planting we have to tarp it for 12-18 months
2) For small patches we repeatedly dig out the roots and it will eventually go away (takes about 1-2 years?)
3) Some we just can't access and have to leave (along fence lines etc)
Sadly, we have woodland edges where it's choking out natives. Still figuring out how to handle that. Good luck with your patch. am sure you'll get there in the end.
Thanks Cate, I'm currently trying to dig it out in our patch though I may resort to tarping as you have, it's good to know that works! Our challenge is the hedge and stone wall next to each other which is runs under. I don't think I can ever truly get this out so I'm hoping to reduce it back to there and then contain it in that spot with a path around it I can monitor for shoots.
yeah - we have it in some spots we can't reach too. so in those cases, we put a "permanent" piece of 3' landscape fabric down as a barrier else the spread recurrs. hate using geotech but also know there's an eco cost to letting ground elder spread. trade-offs are tough...
Thanks for sharing, it’s given me lots to contemplate. I love the idea of a larger green space in patches, some wilder than others. 💚
It’s certainly fun experimenting too 😊