Dec 30, 2022Liked by Jack Wallington

An excellent read, as ever. Thank you and I agree with every one of them :)

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Thanks Deborah 😊

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Jack Wallington

Thought provoking points! Thanks very much

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Thank you Jenna, happy new year to you! :)

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Thank you as ever for making us really think

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Thanks Jo! Thankfully my mind is not fully focussed on bulbs and other more fun things :)

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Jack Wallington

Fantastic newsletter/ blog post! Every point hit home even for someone across the pond. With what we have seen in the last couple of years and recent veg shortages in the shops its making me more determined for us to off set our produce bill. Almost to the point of me sowing more seeds than I know what to do with, usually if we have extras we try to give them away so others can grow as well.

The changing climate and what the future holds is difficult to say other than uncertainty, #6 about droughts reminded me of our own struggle to work with how the climate is changing & growing a garden (ornamental and/or veg). In the most recent years, locally (southwest Florida) we have experience rainfall deficits, lashed by tropical storms and now another record setting (for Florida) cold front move through. Living in the extremes can be difficult, as I said recently we experience record cold (for FL) where we set the record lowest daytime high (47F/8.3 C) on Christmas and several nights getting down 37F/2.3C (probably the earliest we've seen these temperatures). Some plants, even natives for this growing zone are starting to show the effects of the cold, but this has started me thinking about growing more cold hardy plants. The struggle is will they handle the warm and humid conditions during the summer. It will be an interesting experiment none the less.

Making the gardening industry greener is collective effort we all need to be conscious of and not just the commercial side of gardening but the every day hobby gardener too. If enough of us talk or act (action speak louder than words) it will be too loud for anyone to ignore. Thanks Jack for everything you do and are doing!! You are truly an inspiration, keep up the fantastic work and have a happy new year!

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Thank you Paul, happy new year too! Thanks for all of the thoughtful comments and replies this year too, lots of great food for thought. It’s interesting hearing about the way the climate is affecting you across the pond. And I totally agree climate and wildlife is a collective effort. Keep trying and keep sharing 😊

See you in 2023!


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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Jack Wallington

Thank you.

Very interesting and informative.

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Thank you Hilary. Happy gardening for 2023 whatever else the world might bring us 💞

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