Licking my lips at your really beautiful photos. My own C. brachytricha was headed for the bin until reprieved for the time being by your mention. C. Karl Foerster has been fine, however, and in heavy wind and rain has been a good partner for Verbena bonariensis. They sway together without catching and breaking, which was a problem when they were each next to more rigid companions. Your Hylotelephium looks like a mis-sold ‘Red Cauli’ that I have here. The Hylotelephiums are such performers over the coming weeks.

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That sounds like a perfect combo with the ‘Karl Forester’ and verbena, I can just imagine that. C. brachytricha has been my favourite grass over the years so definitely worth sticking with it. It’s weird because I never used to like Hylotelephium but have really grown to love them in recent years. I think it’s the ones with really big leaves aren’t quite right.

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Looks really beautiful.

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Thanks Ann 💞

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I really like the combination of plants in your borders. As much as I love colour in the garden, you can't beat a luxuriant mix of architectural plants, in all shades of green accented with neutrals and rich dark purple foliage.

Can I ask the name of the plant in the foreground, 2nd photo down?

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